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Withdrawal from the Current Semester/Term

A student may request and be considered for a medical withdrawal from courses in a semester/term when a serious medical condition (physical or psychological) prevents the student from continuing his or her classes after the "last day to drop courses without evaluation" as outlined in the bulletin of a term, and grades of incompletes or other arrangements with instructors are not feasible.聽Students who wish to withdraw from courses prior to the "last day to drop courses without evaluation" should follow the normal Add/Drop or Withdrawal process through the Registrar's Office.

Courses meeting less than the full term have different schedule revision, refund, and drop/withdrawal dates. Contact the聽Registrar's Office for these dates.

A student seeking to withdraw from the current semester/term聽after the last day to drop without evaluation, because of a serious medical condition, must complete the procedure outlined below:

A student, or an individual requesting a withdrawal on behalf of a student, who, because of a serious medical condition, is physically or psychologically unable to request the withdrawal, may obtain the聽Application for Medical Withdrawal form (also available from Administrative Appeals Administrative Assistant (Education Center, room 1136); phone 812-464-1875), which must be completed and signed by the student, if possible, and the terminally degreed licensed healthcare provider (Doctor, Psychologist, etc.). This provider must certify this action is without bias. The need for a medical withdrawal must be substantiated, by documentation the University considers appropriate, from the terminally degreed licensed healthcare provider on his or her prescription form or letterhead if no prescription form and signed in his or her own hand. By seeking withdrawal because of serious medical reasons, the student consents to the release of individually identifiable health information and other medical records and information governed by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA") to the Administrative Appeals committee, Registrar's Office, Dean of Students Office, and any other University personnel involved in the process of reviewing the student's request for withdrawal.

Once the completed Application for Medical Withdrawal form and terminally degreed licensed healthcare provider statement have been received by the Center for Exploring Majors and verified, the faculty members for each course for which a withdrawal is requested will be contacted. The Dean of Students Office will also be informed of the request and asked to provide relevant information. Each such faculty member will be given the opportunity to provide input in response to the student's withdrawal request. If, for some reason, a faculty member is unavailable to respond to a request, the chair of that academic department will be asked to respond on behalf of the faculty. If the medical withdrawal is granted, "W" grades will be recorded for each course that has not been previously graded.

If a student lives in University housing, he/she should contact the Housing and Residence Life office (812-468-2000) to cancel the housing contract and check out of their room. If a student has a meal plan, he/she should contact Dining Services (UC lower level) to cancel the plan. If a student owes money to the University, the student should settle his/her account at the Bursar's Office (Orr Center lower level); an unpaid balance will prevent the release of a student's academic transcript.聽

Semester/Term Deadlines

Below are the deadlines for applying for a medical withdrawal. The summer sessions are included as a term. For example:

Medical Withdrawal Requested For:

Must Be Received By:

Fall semester

April 30 of the following year

Spring semester

September 30 of the current year

Summer semester

November 30 of the current year

Returning to Campus

When a medical withdrawal is approved, a hold is placed on the student's record to prevent registration for future terms until the student has been released from the terminally degreed licensed healthcare provider. The terminally degreed licensed healthcare provider treating the student while on leave must complete the聽Release to Return to the University Following Medical Withdrawal聽form verifying that the student's condition has improved to the point where the student is cleared to return. This form, once completed in full, should be returned to the Center for Exploring Majors. In certain cases, students returning from a medical withdrawal will also be asked to meet with Dean of Students Office to ensure that there is adequate support as they transition back to 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播.

Tuition Refunds

Fall & Spring Deadlines/Percentage Refunds
When a medical withdrawal is approved, students are entitled to the following refund policy during the Fall and Spring semesters:聽

  1. When the last date of attendance falls within week 1 through week 3 of the semester, 100% of tuition and course fees charged is refund.
  2. When the last date of attendance falls within week 4 through week 6 of the semester, 75% of tuition and course fees charged is refund.
  3. When the last date of attendance falls within week 7 through week 9 of the semester, 50% of tuition and course fees charged is refund.
  4. When the last date of attendance falls within week 10 through week 12 of the semester, 25% of tuition and course fees charged is refund.
  5. When the last date of attendance falls after week 12 of the semester, no refund is issued.

Summer Deadlines and Fall/Spring Part of Term/Refund Percentages
When a medical withdrawal is approved, students are entitled to the following refund policy during the Summer semester. Additionally, Fall/Spring part of term courses follow this refund schedule

  1. When the last date of attendance falls within the first 20% or less for that course, 100% of tuition and course fees charged is refund.
  2. When the last date of attendance falls within dates that correspond to 20.1% to 40% for that course, 75% of tuition and course fees charged is refund.
  3. When the last date of attendance falls within dates that correspond to 40.1% to 60% for that course, 50% of tuition and course fees charged is refund.
  4. When the last date of attendance falls within dates that correspond to 60.1% to 80% for that course, 25% of tuition and course fees charged is refund.
  5. When the last date of attendance falls within a date that corresponds to 80.1% or more for that course, no refund is issued.

The date used to determine the refund percentage will be the last date of attendance. If the student did not cease attendance in all courses simultaneously, the university will use the most recent date of attendance for any course to calculate the refund percentage for all courses.聽 If the last date of attendance is not available, the date of withdrawal will be used as a replacement.

Courses with part of term codes OL1, OL2, OL3, OL4, OL5 and OL6 are special part of term courses. Therefore, these programs are evaluated differently than above schedules.